If you are interested in working with Stacey contact her at [email protected]
Stacey Weckstein's Demo Reel
NEWS: Harlem Season 2 Episode 1 on Amazon Prime role aired February 3, 2023.
NEWS: The feature film Esme My Love directed by Emmy award winner Cory Choy and Sundance Cinematographer Fletcher Wolfe is now available to watch for free on TUBI! You can also find the film on Prime Video, Google Play, YouTube, and Vudu.
NEWS: The Sound of Your Voice featured on short of the week, Vimeo Staff Pick, and screened at Raindance Festival in London.
The Sound of Your Voice from Hunt Beaty on Vimeo.
" We realized that one of our favorite moments was a long take - about 50 seconds - of Stacey’s eyes watching the monitor, which didn’t really fit into the short we had in mind; this shot was supposed to be a quick insert, but her performance here was just too good. We decided to rewrite all of the offscreen dialogue, re-edit, shoot some more footage on an iPhone; then we rewrote and re-edited a couple more times and boxed ourselves into the final film.
Getting selecting for #shortoftheweek and then receiving a #vimeostaffpick today is quite an honor and validation for all of the hard work and sleepless nights that went into making this short. "José Andrés Cardona
Photos from Esme My Love set